Pursuit Rx IS BEING DEMANDED BY THE PEOPLE IN DUBAI using the demand feature available from the Worlds Largest Expo.
What people who are coming to the Expo in Dubai are looking for from Pursuit Rx :

  1. Dymatize Pursuit-Rx Whey Protein, 1.62 Lbs.
  2. Dymatize Pursuit-Rx Whey Protein, 1.62 Lbs.
  3. Interested in joint venture or distribution

There are two thousand, one hundred and sixty-seven people who are demanding Pursuit Rx to show up in Dubai. Once the number of people Wishing to interact with Pursuit Rx reaches at least 100, we will reach out to the company and see if they would be interested in participating in the Worlds Largest Fitness Expo in Dubai to meet the fans who are looking forward to face to face interaction.

Interested in Joint Venture or Distribution Deal With Pursuit Rx

551 people are interested in joint venture or distribution deal with Pursuit Rx. Once we reach out and get a participation confirmation from Pursuit Rx, meeting with the people interested in doing business with Pursuit Rx will be arranged.
If you want to Demand Pursuit Rx to come to Dubai or if you want to do some sort of business with them - please use the form below and we will try our best to make it happen.

Decision Makers At Pursuit Rx :click here

If you are one of the decision makers at Pursuit Rx and would like to participate in the Worlds Largest Fitness Expo in Dubai, Please click here to let us know. Expo will take place November 24, 25, 26, 2016.The expo "Deal Making Team" can help get Pursuit Rx products approved for Dubai.